Jewels of Italy意大利珠寶匯演

Jewels of Italy 珠寶匯演是意大利商務專員公署聯同TRENDVISION Jewellery+ FORECASTING合作,以本年度四大潮流趨勢 –The Essentialist、The Exoticist、 The Romantic 及The Digitalist為主題。注入了創新理念及藝術元素,透過精湛工藝配合不同物料,包括:黃金、銀、鑽石、珊瑚、寶石珍珠等,力臻完美的珠寶珍品與意國時尚氣息互相輝映,構成多幅超凡魅力的藝術圖畫,令人印象難忘。


意大利商務專員姬寶娜寄望「Jewels of Italy意大利珠寶匯演」,能夠讓意大利珠寶在此奠定其在主要進口商、貿易商,以及最具潛力顧客群眼中的重點商家地位,她坦言:「Jewels of Italy意大利珠寶匯演是香港一個獨一無二、令人興奮的盛事﹗我們的目標是:將更多高質素和頂級的意大利珠寶商帶進香港、內地及其他亞洲市場。」

大會特別邀得城中著名模特兒Ana.R、傅嘉莉(Kelly Fu)、李慧思(Ceci Li)、李姿敏(Germaine Li)等把52套經過精心挑選、令人趨之若鶩的意大利珠寶展示人前,盡顯意國優雅文化及韻味,讓來賓充分感受意大利珠寶矜貴不凡的魅力﹗




Jewels of Italy Gala Evening & Jewellery Parade


The Italian Trade Commission hosted the“Jewels of Italy Gala Evening & Jewellery Parade”.  In collaboration with TRENDVISION Jewellery + FORECASTING, the four main trends of 2014 will be presented during the parade – The Essentialist, The Exoticist, The Romantic and The Digitalist. Injecting new design concepts and artistic elements, these trends are expressed through refined craftsmanship and various precious materials such as gold, silver, diamonds, coral, precious stones and pearls. These creations are an expression of the artistic heritage and fashionable flair of Italy. Each of the designs to be presented at the parade is awe-inspiring works of art in their own right.


Paola Guida, the Italian Trade Commissioner in Hong Kong and Macau, hopes the “Jewels of Italy Gala Evening & Jewellery Parade” will continue to anchor the prestigious status of the country’s jewellery brands and creations. She expresses her excitement about the event, “Jewels of Italy Jewellery Parade is truly one of a kind; it’s Hong Kong’s premier jewellery event and our goal is to introduce more high quality and exquisite Italian Jewellery to Hong Kong, China and other Asian countries.”


Some of the city’s brightest stars and top models will be taking part in this spectacular showcase, including Ana R., Kelly Fu, Ceci Li, and Germaine Li. These ladies will be dazzling as they model the 52 sets of incredible Italian jewellery.


As models make their way down the runway wearing these incredible designs, a whimsical air of romance fills the air. On this rare opportunity to see these unique pieces first hand, guests were deeply inspired and moved by the charming allure of designs by Italy’s most talented artists.

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