Amenpapa SS Collection

每句說話都有力量。 它可以是三聚氰氨,慢性毒害人於無形。 它可以是有機蜜糖,滋潤人的心。

心理學家指出80%的性格於6歲前就決定了, 而其決定的主要因素就是父母的話語, 這解釋了為什麼西方人普遍比較自信, 因為從小他們的父母便不停說:”Well done!” “I am so proud of you”, 而亞洲人通常都是說:「咁蠢㗎!」,「咁都要問!」,「衰格!」

舌頭雖小,卻能說大的話。 正如小小的舵便能操縱大船行走的方向。



There’s power in every word we say, it’ like melamine, chronically poison souls without noticing. It’s like organic honey, nourishing people’s heart.

Psychologists stated 80% of our character are formed at the age of six, the major factor in character formation is parental discourse, This explains why kids from western countries are generally more confident, because their parents encourage them ever since they’re young, “Well done girl!” , “I am so proud of you”, while Asians usually says, “why are you so stupid?”, “shouldn’t you already knew it?”

Our tongue is little, but able to boast. Just as a small rudder able to steer a big ship.

Let’s tame our tongue in 2014!

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